● Imported high quality film roll, imported brand film ideal substitute
● Roll type microfiltration membrane, roll type ultrafiltration membrane, roll type nanofiltration membrane, roll type reverse osmosis membrane
● Membrane retention channel, mesh, membrane materials custom made, personalized needs

● Entrapment particles:0.1~1 μm
● Applied to cut off suspended solids, bacteria and macromolecular colloidal substances
● Operating pressure:0.3~7 bar
● It can customize membrane products of acid and alkali resistance, anti-pollution, high
temperature resistance

● Molecular Weight Cut-Off:1KD~200KD
● It can retain macromolecular substances (proteins, pigments,
Small molecules (inorganic salts, small molecule pigments,
monosaccharides, ash) can also be retained
● Alternative activated carbon decolorization, resin impurity removal,
crystal extraction, etc.
● It can be customized to resist acid and alkali, anti - pollution and
high temperature film products.

Roll type nanofiltration membrane element NF
● Molecular Weight Cut-Off:200D~800D
● Characteristics: Preferential retention of divalent and polyvalent
anions, and rejection rate of monovalent ions related to the
concentration and composition of the feed solution
● Removal of organics and pigments in surface water, hardness in
groundwater and partial removal of dissolved salts
● Material: polyamide, sulfonated polyether sulfone and sulfonated
polysulfone. It can customize film products of acid and
alkali resistance, anti-pollution, high temperature resistance.

Roll type reverse osmosis membrane element RO
● Interception of molecular particles:greater than 0.0001 μm, isocratic
water molecules passing
● We provide a unique polyamide composite membrane.
● It can produce standard pressure, low pressure, ultra low pressure and
seawater desalination roll type reverse osmosis membrane element.
● Material: polyamide, sulfonated polyether sulfone and sulfonated
polysulfone. It can customize film products of acid and alkali
resistance, anti-pollution, high temperature resistance.